A World Without Categories...Art Is Why I Get Up in the Morning...You?

An S.O.S.: Calling Upon All Angels

Joy Matters*

*Passion & Compassion*

Seek out, seek in...always seeking, always on a journey to bridge the world within with the world around.

Knowing that so many are hurting and alone when there is no need.

If we could just pause long enough to turn the tide.

We are a force of nature because we are nature.

Even when the oil runs dry, the sun will still fuel us. All the panic takes us further away from our natural state, our connection to the creative force, and to the brilliant power of simply being alive. 

Enjoy the ocean if you can and work toward it.

I aim to use my time to add to the creative rather than destructive forces vying for the Earth's resources.

I have found over a million Earth angels on the same mission: to create sustainable beauty out of life.

Let this be a prelude and not the exception.

I honor the lights of this great city as a power point for change, as the center of art, and as a vine of near-ripe revolutionaries.

Artists, women, good people of the Earth rising: rise some more. 

*Revolution begins with personal evolution...

Bless & Be Blessed*

Monday, March 16, 2009

Le Cirque d'Art Gallery Opening and Performance with music and dance to 2am. This Friday, March 20th at Collective Hardware: 169 Bowery. Art Heals*

Dreamers, Birds, & Lovers of Life,

I am coming together with a most beautiful collective to throw a benefit gathering of heAleRs, aRtists, dAnCers, aErialiSts, fAntastiC ObSERVErs, giggLers, and the SaSSiest of NYC...This Friday, MARCH 20TH from 6:30PM to 9:30PM...with an afterparty until 2am.

Collective Hardware: 169 Bowery @ Delancey, NYC

I am trying to keep my eyes strong and bring more and more art, healing, beauty, life and movement into this world. Feel alive, feel blessed, feel the power of action, know that joy matters: these are the principles we had in mind while putting together this show.

I hope to see you there. Feel free to spread the word and to bring whatever creative force you have into the room. It is an open space. My friends, comrades and I are filling the walls with art and the room with performances. There will be an open mic after the set performances, room to dance, and a place to celebrate being alive through the good, the bad, and the ugly. All you really need to bring is yourself. Starting with just your body; we promise to give you all we got.

Putting the grr back into grassroots.

Bless & Be Blessed.
