An S.O.S.: Calling Upon All Angels
Joy Matters*
*Passion & Compassion*
Seek out, seek in...always seeking, always on a journey to bridge the world within with the world around.
Knowing that so many are hurting and alone when there is no need.
If we could just pause long enough to turn the tide.
We are a force of nature because we are nature.
Even when the oil runs dry, the sun will still fuel us. All the panic takes us further away from our natural state, our connection to the creative force, and to the brilliant power of simply being alive.
If we could just pause long enough to turn the tide.
We are a force of nature because we are nature.
Even when the oil runs dry, the sun will still fuel us. All the panic takes us further away from our natural state, our connection to the creative force, and to the brilliant power of simply being alive.
Enjoy the ocean if you can and work toward it.
I aim to use my time to add to the creative rather than destructive forces vying for the Earth's resources.
I have found over a million Earth angels on the same mission: to create sustainable beauty out of life.
Let this be a prelude and not the exception.
I honor the lights of this great city as a power point for change, as the center of art, and as a vine of near-ripe revolutionaries.
Artists, women, good people of the Earth rising: rise some more.
*Revolution begins with personal evolution...
Bless & Be Blessed*
Bless & Be Blessed*
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Hello Beloveds: just a friendly excited reminder that we are having a meeting this evening from 6-8 and meeting at a Goddess Gala Sat Nov. 14th 7-11pm

Hi Hope this finds you well. I wanted to remind all of us that there is a meeting this evening for all that can make it it would be brilliant to see as many faces as possible-- bring all our beauty and ideas together...
I apologize for the last minute reminder or notice-- still trying to bring all this together-- we all have very busy lives but we will get this up and running, smooth & steady in no time -- once we have some captains executing plans that all fit together in a big picture sense.
I have been speaking with the NOW NYS & NYC Chapters, as well as, National. They have agreed to put some of my images & cards and the wearable art of Love & Lion designed with Ms. Yuki Tanaka onto their sites for the holidays and ear mark 30% of the profit for themselves and another 30% for the Task Force---
I am hoping this adds some serious money to the honey-pot so that we can do full force actions, big beautiful stunts. The idea of surrounding the city with women holding hands is one that we have envisioned and have had the great offer from Ms. Liz Abzug to work with her and the UN to make this possible during the Women's Summit in spring. This could be a revolutionary moment in herstory!!
We are going to need a million people to come together in solidarity to actualize this. We will need talent from every field to pull this off... let's live change.!!
Hope to see you this evening. If you cannot make it we will also be in the space this Saturday evening for a Goddess Gala from7-11pm. The space, Baron -- a high end eco-friendly show room for Tiffany's and such and it's owner Paul have offered to us to us the space for the regional NOW convention and the whole month for whatever we can think of... let's have fun!!
If you are in NYC and you make art, media, dance, politics, law...whatever you do you are needed tonight by the NOW Young Feminist Task Force... we are planning bug beautiful events, working with the UN to-- it is all new-- there is room for you to grow and add your voice, your joy, your in action*
545 West 45th Street. Between 10th & 11th. 3rd Floor 6-8pm
Monday, November 9, 2009
Important Exhibit: Let's learn more ways to help end sex-trafficing...
Sex Trafficking Exhibitition Hosted by Mayor Bloomberg and Actress Emma Thompson
November 9, 2009, 6:45 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized
Mayor Bloomberg and Actress Emma Thompson, and a host of celebrities and famous activists have allied together in presenting the Journey Installation, a “unique and provocative art installation depicting the “Journey” of women trafficked across the globe into the sex industry.”
The art exhibition will feature seven shipping containers that will illustrate the personal account of a woman that was sexually trafficked. Each shipping container represents the stages a woman experiences in the industry: Hope, Journey, Uniform, Bedroom, Customer, Stigma and Resurrection.
Emma Thompson said: “People just don’t want to know about this issue – it’s hidden, it’s criminal, it’s perverse and yes, it’s happening right on your own doorstep. Journey is a remarkable piece of collaborative, creative and confrontational art that profoundly challenges people’s perspective. Come and see it for yourself and then tell us if you agree….”
Mayor Bloomberg said: “Journey brings human trafficking out of the shadows – I hope its arrival in New York sparks a conversation among New Yorkers about this pernicious form of exploitation. My Administration has used coordinated enforcement, tough new laws, and partnerships with service providers to fight human trafficking. Our efforts are overseen by a task force of police, prosecutors, service providers, advocacy groups and academics who welcome Journey and the unique attention it will bring this inhumane and criminal activity.”
The Journey Installation
When & Where: Journey opens to the public on Washington Place, off Washington Square Park, on Tuesday, November 10th. Hours of Operation are: Tuesday, November 10th – Friday, November 13th 12pm-8pm, Saturday, November 14th 11am-7pm and Sunday, November 15th 10am-3pm. Produced in partnership with the City of New York and the City of London.
Check it out if you can and spread the word.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
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