I am at a place where a feel honored to be living from my art-work. It is an incredible honor and one I will keep growing for as long as I have breath in my lungs.
Most of the images that you see on my website will be available upon inquiry.
I am including here a slide show of images I had the privilege of showcasing in a solo show last June at the National Arts Club:
They are a limited edition of 10 so if you are interested please inquire as soon as your heart moves you to do so...*

I showcased last year in Paris Photo and amongst a room full of classics in New York last fall, between Warhol & Mapplethorpe, Baquita and Kara Walker-- so many amazing dream come trues- with 16 shows through out the year and Tiffany & Co. collecting for their stores internationally.
I have four books available also. two coffee table to smaller--
I have so much more to share..
I promise to heal this body-temple of mine and keep moving forward in innovating ever new ways to add beauty to this world.
If you are interested in an image you may contact me here; flyingishard@gmail.com
or leave a comment here.
iF YOU ARE IN nEW yORK AND CARE FOR A PRIVATE VIEWING do make that clear in your request.
A selection of images can be viewed at:
545 West 45th Street
New York, NY 10016
T: (212) 664-0800
F: (212) 664-8550
Thank you so much. I look forward to hearing from you & sharing with you.
All my best,