I was born the year of the Houston Convention where tens of thousands of women and good people gathered for the rights of women.
Freedom on OUR Terms! I have been riding the wave since birth, through its highs and its lows. And now my heart sinks deeper than ever before. Wow! What a terror! I read the front page of a newspaper that claims, "The issue of the glass ceiling is SOLVED!"
With Palin, everything that we have fought so hard for has gone terribly wrong. Misogynist pigs are laughing at us right now - oh, so you want to see a woman in office...well, we won't let you have one who speaks her own mind and fights for the rights of women everywhere, but we will provide you with a shadow of a nightmare wrapped in female form. Those assholes found the most anti-woman woman ever in an effort to bolster patriarchy. I will not accept your offering, Republicans. I not only decline, I refuse to live in a nation run by monsters - male or female.
Any person who hunts, kills, sends their own child into a heartless, unjust war threatens all my rights as a woman. Palin is not a person I want anywhere near the law-making process - let alone at the top where most checks and balances have already been eradicated.
I have the same kind of sickening fear in the pit of my stomach as I did four years ago...and 4 years before that. But now the face of evil is that of a woman who aims to re-flame the cycle of witch-hunting and is willing to wage war on her fellow women's bodies, our choice to love, as well as the separation of church and state that this nation was founded upon.
We must unite as women to say we support and celebrate those with politics that support us.
The sad thing is I really feel that all those white male Republicans - who have said countless sexist remarks about Hillary - are just thinking to themselves, "Look at this dumb blow-up doll of a woman! She is going to bring the big prize home to daddy like a good little girl."
This is truly a time of golden crisis...a time when good peace-loving people, animal rights and human rights activists alike, and even Mother Earth herself is at risk. This will not only have devastating effects upon America but on the entire world, which is already in deep in peril.
I will be praying with all my heart and soul as well as working with every resource I have to counteract this grim possibility.
I have faith in us still. The darkest hour is before the dawn. A new day is possible - not only possible but eminent. We are moving either toward the best moment: the millennial awakening or we are returning to the Dark Ages - and the dawn will belong to another generation.
I am ready for the breaking open of skies and the coming forward of light. I am ready for it now.
United We Stand.
This is my plea: that we all do all we can in this moment to bring forth all of our light.
May the healing and revolution come wide and deep.
I offer my whole life to the fight for women's equality. I live for it and I am willing to die on the frontlines for it. I pray it never comes to that, but I am willing nonetheless. That is how passionately I feel about the goddess within us all, the bearers of life. It is very disheartening for me to see a woman like Palin in a place of power. I feel so deeply hurt and betrayed.
But they will not succeed in their divisive tactics. I will never surrender the rights of my body, of who I choose to love, of equal pay for equal work, for the protection of Mother Earth, for the protection of every living being.
May we all do all we can to help birth the dawning of a new day.
-peace, love and other good things,
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