it means you are knee deep at all times in the ebb and flow of the art world: Basel Miami:... feels like cherry blossom season the art is so beautiful hanging, floating all around you-- your eye's booming- your heart alight.
My heart lights up, head is beating to the rhythm of a constant pounding of nails.
:::: 4 shows to hang:::: 4 openings to have::: thousands of comrades to admire, collectors to inspire... there is not a moment to spare, joy & sorrow, the lost & the found hang their stories we walk through like quilt makers putting together a patch-work quilt of possibilities... each one of us looking through the kaleidoscope for that which warms and inspires us. Some folk are more jaded than others. You see the rich and the the rich at heart and try to be clear that your intentions are to shine from within. The gold diggers, the optimist and the romantics swirl together, the opportunist meets the philanthropist in the back room... like it was a back alley transaction on the lower east side.
An S.O.S.: Calling Upon All Angels
Joy Matters*
*Passion & Compassion*
Seek out, seek in...always seeking, always on a journey to bridge the world within with the world around.
Knowing that so many are hurting and alone when there is no need.
If we could just pause long enough to turn the tide.
We are a force of nature because we are nature.
Even when the oil runs dry, the sun will still fuel us. All the panic takes us further away from our natural state, our connection to the creative force, and to the brilliant power of simply being alive.
If we could just pause long enough to turn the tide.
We are a force of nature because we are nature.
Even when the oil runs dry, the sun will still fuel us. All the panic takes us further away from our natural state, our connection to the creative force, and to the brilliant power of simply being alive.
Enjoy the ocean if you can and work toward it.
I aim to use my time to add to the creative rather than destructive forces vying for the Earth's resources.
I have found over a million Earth angels on the same mission: to create sustainable beauty out of life.
Let this be a prelude and not the exception.
I honor the lights of this great city as a power point for change, as the center of art, and as a vine of near-ripe revolutionaries.
Artists, women, good people of the Earth rising: rise some more.
*Revolution begins with personal evolution...
Bless & Be Blessed*
Bless & Be Blessed*
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Basel Miami 09* Dec 3-7th... Two Shows and someone magic to unveal...

I am so excited to be part of these beautiful shows with this amazing team: Artennae:
I had the honor of meeting Cheryl serendipitous 4 years ago... everything unfolding beautifully into this pinnacle moment... may life continue to be a series of visual bursts and flourishing...
So grateful for your beautiful energy & work embedded into our events here~!
First show address is:
Wynwood Lofts Art Complex
250 NW 23rd St., Loft #203
Open daily Dec. 3-6, 2009 from 12 noon to 6 pm
Opening Reception Thursday Dec. 3, 2009 6 - 8 pm
The second show address is :
4100 NE 2nd Avenue, ground floor
Open daily Dec. 3-6, 2009 12 noon - 6 pm
Opening Reception Friday Dec. 4, 2009 9 pm - midnight...
Layla’s beautiful energy is transmitted into her work. As a collective, we are drawn to her international voice which sees no color, race, gender or religious differences. Diversity is key in our company, in the artists we represent, and in our view of the world.
Our mission is to amplify Layla’s voice, and to share her point of view with the world. Contributing to her vision for her work also allows us to participate in her continued journey in the global art world. With the current shifts in the world, global perspective is more important than ever.
With an artist like Layla out in the world, recanting messages of unity, beauty, and joy, we believe that people everywhere will respond to her poignant delivery of goodness and make a conscious decision to care for each other. That is the beauty of Layla and her images.
Thanks, love. I"ll address the rest of your email at the end of the day today, as we are in meetings all day. Hope you have a great day!
The Artennae Team
Mission: ARTennae = contemporary art consultants + marketing + public relations
tuned into the visual arts. We are masterminds of tasteful & relevant exhibits and events geared to honor the artist’s individuality, harness the intense energy of guerrilla marketing / new media, and elevate the work to the next dimension. We have access to the brightest global art stars & we are intent on shining a vivid, laser-focused light on their vision.
My highest regards to you,
Cheryl Moody
Lisa Silvera
***Please come join us... I would love to see you there... let's make more and more beautiful out of living.. ox
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Hello Beloveds: just a friendly excited reminder that we are having a meeting this evening from 6-8 and meeting at a Goddess Gala Sat Nov. 14th 7-11pm

Hi Hope this finds you well. I wanted to remind all of us that there is a meeting this evening for all that can make it it would be brilliant to see as many faces as possible-- bring all our beauty and ideas together...
I apologize for the last minute reminder or notice-- still trying to bring all this together-- we all have very busy lives but we will get this up and running, smooth & steady in no time -- once we have some captains executing plans that all fit together in a big picture sense.
I have been speaking with the NOW NYS & NYC Chapters, as well as, National. They have agreed to put some of my images & cards and the wearable art of Love & Lion designed with Ms. Yuki Tanaka onto their sites for the holidays and ear mark 30% of the profit for themselves and another 30% for the Task Force---
I am hoping this adds some serious money to the honey-pot so that we can do full force actions, big beautiful stunts. The idea of surrounding the city with women holding hands is one that we have envisioned and have had the great offer from Ms. Liz Abzug to work with her and the UN to make this possible during the Women's Summit in spring. This could be a revolutionary moment in herstory!!
We are going to need a million people to come together in solidarity to actualize this. We will need talent from every field to pull this off... let's live change.!!
Hope to see you this evening. If you cannot make it we will also be in the space this Saturday evening for a Goddess Gala from7-11pm. The space, Baron -- a high end eco-friendly show room for Tiffany's and such and it's owner Paul have offered to us to us the space for the regional NOW convention and the whole month for whatever we can think of... let's have fun!!
If you are in NYC and you make art, media, dance, politics, law...whatever you do you are needed tonight by the NOW Young Feminist Task Force... we are planning bug beautiful events, working with the UN to-- it is all new-- there is room for you to grow and add your voice, your joy, your in action*
545 West 45th Street. Between 10th & 11th. 3rd Floor 6-8pm
Monday, November 9, 2009
Important Exhibit: Let's learn more ways to help end sex-trafficing...
Sex Trafficking Exhibitition Hosted by Mayor Bloomberg and Actress Emma Thompson
November 9, 2009, 6:45 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized
Mayor Bloomberg and Actress Emma Thompson, and a host of celebrities and famous activists have allied together in presenting the Journey Installation, a “unique and provocative art installation depicting the “Journey” of women trafficked across the globe into the sex industry.”
The art exhibition will feature seven shipping containers that will illustrate the personal account of a woman that was sexually trafficked. Each shipping container represents the stages a woman experiences in the industry: Hope, Journey, Uniform, Bedroom, Customer, Stigma and Resurrection.
Emma Thompson said: “People just don’t want to know about this issue – it’s hidden, it’s criminal, it’s perverse and yes, it’s happening right on your own doorstep. Journey is a remarkable piece of collaborative, creative and confrontational art that profoundly challenges people’s perspective. Come and see it for yourself and then tell us if you agree….”
Mayor Bloomberg said: “Journey brings human trafficking out of the shadows – I hope its arrival in New York sparks a conversation among New Yorkers about this pernicious form of exploitation. My Administration has used coordinated enforcement, tough new laws, and partnerships with service providers to fight human trafficking. Our efforts are overseen by a task force of police, prosecutors, service providers, advocacy groups and academics who welcome Journey and the unique attention it will bring this inhumane and criminal activity.”
The Journey Installation
When & Where: Journey opens to the public on Washington Place, off Washington Square Park, on Tuesday, November 10th. Hours of Operation are: Tuesday, November 10th – Friday, November 13th 12pm-8pm, Saturday, November 14th 11am-7pm and Sunday, November 15th 10am-3pm. Produced in partnership with the City of New York and the City of London.
Check it out if you can and spread the word.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Women's Media Center, A Tribute to Carol Jenkins
Picasa Web Album
"Carol Jenkins is the President of the Women's Media Center and a Founding Member of its Board of Directors. An Emmy award-winning producer, former news anchor and correspondent who covered presidential politics as well as international issues, Ms. Jenkins led The Women's Media Center's online publication and its advocacy initiatives. She is a national spokeswoman for women and the media, arguing the case for inclusion of women throughout the media, as well as the telling of women's stories in television and film, radio, print, and online." -- WMC blurb of Ms. Jenkins
With special thanks to Liz Abzug for opening the invitation for me to be there and for closing the night off with such beautiful ideas and possibility.
Love & Lion in a capsule line by Love Photography & Chateau de Lion
This is a sample from our clothing line, that I am so excited for. Been working with Yuki Tanaka for two years on this extensive line. This is a sample we've put together for the potential collaboration with NOW, the National Organization for Women.
Wearable art, use your body as a billboard.
Mean what you say, say what you mean.
Peace & Action. Love & Kisses.
You have the right not to remain silent: NOW: Possible images for collaborating with the National Organization for Women
It is with the deepest love and respect for NOW, the National Organization for Women, and the work that they do on many levels, across the nation and around the globe, that I hope to be able to add some, or all, of these images to their treasure chests of art action and fundraising possibilities.
Art heals the unbreakable.
Love heals all.
*Further details to follow
Friday, October 2, 2009
media matters*

So I came out for this evening as it was a valid effort in taking back the night. I am in the media & I am very busy. I am happy...doing really well & really lucky. My photographs are hanging on the same walls as a Mapplethorpe, a Warhol, a Walker. I have a show coming up in Paris and then Art Basel. I am over the moon.
I am happy & excited & I am a feminist!
I am part of a group of women who know the importance & value of being alive during this time. I put this knowledge into action in many ways. One of them is in a willingness to take to the streets with little more than paper & pen. Our voices will be heard. It is time to reclaim the balance. I wish we had big money behind us & lots of time to mastermind something with far greater impact. Sadly, it is the lack of funding in the women's movement that does not allow us to really rise as we must. But change is coming. Cells of powerful and affluent women are coming together in ways never seen before. I have circled the globe twice baring witness to our growing strength in numbers. These are amazing, talented, fun, brilliant women who care about not being raped and blown away for entertainment's sake - whether it is in a theater or in the fields - hunted like deer as men kill & destroy what is beautiful for sport.
We have the right not to remain silent. There are far more than 16 of us; there are more than 3 billion women and 3 billion men who are impacted daily by the poison that misogyny spreads.
As media makers this is the greatest responsibility of our time. Words are the most powerful & shaping tools that we have.
Life came from women - we are the givers of life - and if someone wants to take that for granted, as many do, then there becomes a terrible dis-ease on Earth and all suffer. This amazing sample of concerned citizens, both female & male, who came out that night are testaments to the American Dream and to freedom of speech. They put the grrr back into grassroots. Tucker Max expects all the glory of freedom of speech and yet systematically takes it away from those voicing another opinion by photoshopping their protest posters to read the opposite of what is intended. This is virtual rape & censorship perpetrated by Tucker Max and his Frat Boy Mob.
Yes, I wish you had shown up at that Bank of America to witness hundreds taking back the night and standing up against the mainstreaming of misogyny and detrimental themes of sex & violence. The degradation of women has become a multi-billion dollar industry; porn shops sell shelves of movies about the raping of young girls, old women, and everything in-between...
And now Tucker Max wants to take that to mainstream theaters where children walk by his posters.
For each woman who gets raped there is a chain reaction: the lives of entire families are destroyed. It is no laughing matter and it is the laughter which allows the rape to be so systematic.
Like the dehumanizing of Jews in Hitler's Germany, this is no less serious an issue. It is a toxic poison spreading rapidly. I hope next time there are thousands of us and that we can bring forth the strength in numbers to reclaim our birth right to walk the streets in freedom & in safety. Let's all meet again next Tuesday. Anyone interested contact me. I will have pictures posted on my blog from the evening: (click on the top right corner)
We were just getting warmed up. Next time we can take a billboard out in Times Square. We have more tools than we realize and enough are people sick of this mess. It is time to clean-up and take charge.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness: I take my rights seriously. This does not make me an angry feminist. Rather, it means I am awake, conscious, caring, and an active citizen.
Revolution begins with Personal Evolution.
Let's all raise our voices - let's come together. It is a time of celebration and of coming into our rightful power.
I advocate responsibility, an awareness of the consequences of our actions. We all know the effects of propaganda & brainwashing. We all know that humor is sometimes used to dehumanize. The military uses this same tactic all the time: let's make jokes about "rag heads" and then we can just shoot at them and rape them. It is an act of war to make 'em scream. It will be real funny...just like killing pregnant women!
Tucker Max and George Bush Jr. are similar characters with a dangerous amount of privilege; they appeal to the lowest common denominator: greed, mockery of the value of human life, and the need to kill & destroy for ego's sake.
I wish I lived safely in a land in which my being was respected and in which I did not have to worry that if a fellow woman is late to a meeting that she has not been dragged into an alley.
-peace & healing between us.
Maybe we could all agree just to look at ourselves a little more and to have a little common respect for our shared humanity and the sharing of this planet.
I know many amazing men and women. I know all of us are hurting in ways and it is often hard for us to bridge communication with each other. Books like "Men Are from Mars and Women Are from Venus" and "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell" become bestsellers because we live in a capitalist society that bases its never-ending sales pitch on our insecurities and pitting us against each other.
There are people hurting in the world - these are our shared stories. Many women are acting out roles perpetuated by propaganda which keeps this nation afloat and which leads us to believe that we as women are ascribed a value based on our appearance: cosmetics, diet pills, botox, willingly cutting our bodies open to fill cyber roles. Men like Tucker Max are truly sick and should be treated accordingly. I am not advocating the death penalty or suggesting that we burn him on the stake, however. That is what has happened for thousands of years: we seek revenge and therefore spin in ever greater circles. We have come to a place where we look in the mirror and we are all plastic or hopped-up on steroids. We are snorting coke. We are fucking like machines...and our humanity is lost. Anything but the airbrushed must be destroyed! And that which does not fit these criteria must be senseless. The hunter and gather is locked away in a cubical, working a job he hates to make money to feed the retail therapy of a 'gold-digging' wife. But let's not forget that women own less than one percent of the world's property and wealth, and in many places women are traded like cattle via wedding vows that silence them even further. We must break the chains because no one is happy. Tucker Max is mad, the feminsts are angry, and people are just getting on with their day-to-day lives...but the currents affect us all.
As Max has used his artistic voice to share his stories so honestly, we can see that these are the uncomfortable truths of our time. We should thank him for bringing them to the surface so that we can address them in public forums as we are doing here.
I would like to dare us all to take a long look in the mirror until we can start to dissect what we see...until we see who we are; what we can do to heal ourselves because we all need to heal. Dear people: this is a beautiful time to be alive. We can be willing to stop long enough to see that another world is possible...not only possible but on the way.
We are the shapers of our own destiny. Let us be mindful of what we ask for. All of us - stop - take a moment to consider deeply - beyond the neon lights or the silver screen: What is it we are seeking? And do the moves that we make take us closer or farther away from that goal?
There is no need for us to keep calling each other names as it defeats the purpose of evolution. We are here with the time to write back and forth; we are the ones with the time to help set this world straight and to create balance. There is room for us all step-up to the plate and to make life amazing.
I do not need to be drunk to get some or be able to take some - and I am certainly not interested in going to Hell after so much hardship in this life.
I am interested in creating paradise here on Earth between us all by camping down and taking note. Peace is possible. Joy matters and we have a value of zero dollars per day. Life for men and womyn and femyles and males could be better. Let's not just bring our parents' shit forward - whatever sickness your mamma and your pappa and your schools placed on you...why don't we all just let it go?
Open up to the power our generation possesses.
Let's make more movies, have more debates.
I pray for the best in us to come forth in this moment.
We are never the same person twice.
Change is the only constant.
May we all change in ways that respect the humanistic boundaries that exist and by upholding the safety and dignity of each other through the actions we take.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
These are things that came to light a century ago.
I am looking for the innovative and this is an invitation to everybody - to just make it good and to hold ourselves accountable.
May your journeys be safe and blessed.
Why Tucker Max is the new George Bush Jr. & reclaiming who we are outside the politics of stupid...//peace
Layla says:
My belief is that we are all doing something - we are all trying - but carrying different worries, fears, egos, pains of our own that make us battle over and over. The truth is that underneath it all, we are looking to be connected in healthy ways - women and men do not want to be forever stuck in a battle of the sexes.
Let's start talking about some really new ideas! I dare us! Come on...we have been playing "boys against girls" since pre-school. Instead, let's see what adult ideas we can muster up. ox
Friday, September 11, 2009
Very excited to invite you to this amazing opening that I am so so honored to be part of: September 16th (7-10pm) at Collective Hardware
For Immediate Release
AMP Tracks Presents:
Black & White Show
At Collective Hardware
September 10 through October 3, 2009
Opening Reception, Wednesday, September 16th from 7-10pm
September 11, 2009—NEW YORK, NY – AMP Tracks is pleased to present The Black & White Show, an exhibition at Collective Hardware (169 Bowery at Delancey) curated by Meghan Carleton and Amandine Lesaffre Freidheim and sponsored by Daniel K, the prestige diamond jewelry house. Void of color, the exhibition explores the graphic clarity and dynamics of black-and-white art by emerging to blue-chip artists. The Black & White Show will be on view from September 10 to October 3, 2009. The gallery will be open from noon to 7pm daily. An opening reception will be held Wednesday, September 16th from 7-10pm.
Artists of all eras have used the black-and-white palette to explore the power of contrast. The simplicity of this use of medium brings forth the potential for dramatic and vivid expressions. As the two values compete for the eyes’ attention, stark and evocative forms emerge, in a powerful accentuation of imagery. This exhibit will highlight the range of possibilities of this basic yet bold representation.
Featured artists include: Vik Muniz, Kara Walker, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Andy Warhol, Irving Penn, Darren Almond, Ryan McGuiness, Layla Love, Brody Neuenschwander, Frank Stella, Evan Gruzis, Will Ryman, Barbara Kruger, among others. The exhibition will debut works by Rodofphe Gombergh and Sandrine and Riccardo Barilla—three European artists exhibiting in New York for the first time.
Collective Hardware is NYC's newest collaborative and gathering point for multi-disciplinary artists and creative minds. The space is a melting pot for the visual arts, organic cooking, audio video and film screenings, visionary conversation and much more.
AMP Tracks is a New York-based curatorial enterprise founded by Amy Rosi, Meghan Carleton and Peter Rosenthal that promotes art and culture through exhibitions, discussions, public relations and cultural community outreach.
For more information please contact Amy Rosi at 212.953.5177 or
Sunday, September 6, 2009
ARTENNAE: Tribal JOURneY...*

For immediate release – (Miami, FL 31 August 2009)
On the heels of a bright, shiny summer in Miami’s progressive Wynwood Art District, things are beginning to stir as the art fairs prep to make their Fall/Winter debut. Artists, gallerists, curators and reps are busily preparing for short and long-term exhibits that will all serve as the precursor to what will be a dynamic December for art in Miami.
On Saturday, September 12th from 7-10pm, Wynwood 2nd Saturday Art Walk will launch in full swing and artennae global art consulting proudly presents their premier, group art exhibition entitled “Tribal Journey” featuring Catherine Rogers, Fine Artist along with several other globally celebrated artists and creatives including de la Haba, Jackson Lynch, Troy Woods, Barron Claiborne, McKay Otto, Layla Love, Damani K. Diop & Artifacts by Majestic Lips.
Artennae global art consulting is an unconventional (consulting and marketing) tribe, formed specifically to elevate emerging artists from all over the world.
As a company, we have come together as a group of “creatives” from various walks of life, each with strengths designed to form a strong union, with the goal of highlighting the talented artists and their work outside of the typical gallery setting.
These are the times when circumstances imposed on us by destiny actually allow us to create new and innovative methods to share positive messages with our fellow man. So it’s natural and perfect that our first exhibit is a declaration of coming together in support of the arts, which will not be diminished during this “recession.”
The artists we’ve chosen in our inaugural show work in varied mediums, from painting on surfboards, sculpting with found objects, photography by world-renowned talent, and painting. Diversity is embedded in the art work, in the languages they speak, the cities where they reside and the cultures they embrace.
3 of our artists travel the globe as their art form, photographing people from many ethnicities and cultures, and seeing humanity from a “big world view”.
The inspiration for the show’s theme “Tribal Journey” came from a series of paintings that our featured artist, Catherine Rogers, created. Her bold and dramatic tribal-influenced work is a wonderful contradiction to the gentle nature of the soft-spoken lady from Key Largo who embraces yoga and a good glass of wine. Still waters run deep for this delicate, powerful flower - more passionate about painting than anything…and in her 60’s. Once again, coming together of talent from surprising sources.
There are many different tribes in today’s world….corporations, social networking, sports teams, small businesses, non-profit organizations, Girl Scouts / Boy Scouts, even political parties. We move in and out of various tribes every day of our lives, joining forces for a common cause. “Tribal Journey” is a timeless tale of clans or tribes who band together - moving in unison. artennae’s top picks for fall 2009 reads like an e.e. cummings’ homage to humanity’s renewed sense of honoring the ancient tradition of community.
“Tribal Journey” is a reflection on returning to the age of the human bond between those of “like mind” rather than focusing on the bonds of perceived outer appearance.
Please join us:
Saturday, 12 September 2009, 7-9pm
Wynwood Lofts Art Complex, 250 NW 23rd St., #203, Miami, FL 33127 ● RSVP Appreciated ● Generously supported by REMY MARTIN
For artist information/intimate preview: 305-546-9889 or 305-576-4844
Nomads Trail of Tears Bands Survival Cultural Counter Culture New model Personal / Self-made Tribes Community Art Tribes Cavemen & women Bedouin African Native American Aboriginal Humans are social creatures Clustering Gangs / Posse Male vs. female New media tribes Hawaiian / South Pacific Amazonian Entrepreneurs Corporations Social networking Birth creativity Tribes of Israel Change sports teams groups of people Rural tribes Urban tribes your friends your family your pack yourself...
Come join us...this is an invitation*
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Art Heals: The Unbreakable. Love Heals All: A Testimonial.

the first with images & words
by layla love
an ode to surrender:
we are inescapably connected in this collaborative performance called life.
members of the tribe share tales of the human condition.
Love shares her great respect for comrade featured artists:
Alex Franck
Alicia Piller
Emily Gendron
Joel Stonington
Jorghe casu
Linda Obuchoska
This montage of paintings & photographs created by Earth angels from across the globe comes together to celebrate the human potential when we choose to no longer be divided.
*Burrow together in a cocoon of live jazz by Ms. Tracy Stark. Bring yourself as art, dance, move, share ~ this is show & tell - brought alive - we barely have time to act, let alone rehearse...*
Proceeds & the commission and simpatico donation of a percentage of art sales will go to Love's "Keeping Focus" healing fund.
*Love will be presenting new images as well as her full first edition collection, which was showcased at The National Arts Club earlier this summer. Baron is now hosting a bon voyage before the images set sail for shows overseas. And Love will head West to continue a much needed medical treatment to foster her recovery from a rare eye disorder that is currently threatening her vision. The healing is happening thanks to the beautiful stir of energy & action that have come from within & been sourced by this ever-growing ebb & flow of community.
This is an intention to bring forth an evening of warmth, of passion, and the obsessive need to give voice to the journey, to merge the tangible & intangible elements of existence, and to enjoy.
Joy Matters
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Art Heals By Layla Love - Photography Exhibit this coming Wednesday, June 24: 6-9pm

Hello Dearness,
Art is why I get up in the morning -- so it is always an honor and a joy to be able to share...
This is an invitation to an opening this coming Wednesday, June 24th, 6-9 pm:
I will be showing around 50 brand-new, editioned photographs alongside amazing wearable art couriered by Yuki Tanaka.
The National Arts Club
15th Gramercy Park South
(between Park Ave & Irving Place)
More art & wine 'til late at:
545 West 45th Street
(between 10th & 11th Avenues)
* The show will be open for an extended amount of time so if you happen to be unavailable for the opening but would still like to pass through, you will be able to do so for at least a week (or two) at both The National Arts Club & Baron.
* If you are able to come that would be wonderful...wanting to fill the space with good art, good people & good intentions. I have been working to shape the show around the notion that art heals. They are the things I have seen that have inspired me most. I am grateful to have the opportunity to share and to provide a place for our community to once again convene, celebrate, share & support. There are many beautiful folk involved in making all this possible -- so much gratitude to the National Arts Club, to Cathrine Johnson, Anthony Hayden-Guest, Eric Franck, Eric Trometer, Yuki Tanaka, Duggal, and to you, us, we...may the best in us be lost and found, and reborn into a network of folk with new stories and a way of coming together, of rising and perpetuation growth, inspiration...change being the only constant.
Love to you butterfly comrades.
Let me know if you can make it -- hoping so.
Love to your everything,
Monday, March 16, 2009
Le Cirque d'Art Gallery Opening and Performance with music and dance to 2am. This Friday, March 20th at Collective Hardware: 169 Bowery. Art Heals*

Dreamers, Birds, & Lovers of Life,
I am coming together with a most beautiful collective to throw a benefit gathering of heAleRs, aRtists, dAnCers, aErialiSts, fAntastiC ObSERVErs, giggLers, and the SaSSiest of NYC...This Friday, MARCH 20TH from 6:30PM to 9:30PM...with an afterparty until 2am.
Collective Hardware: 169 Bowery @ Delancey, NYC
I am trying to keep my eyes strong and bring more and more art, healing, beauty, life and movement into this world. Feel alive, feel blessed, feel the power of action, know that joy matters: these are the principles we had in mind while putting together this show.
I hope to see you there. Feel free to spread the word and to bring whatever creative force you have into the room. It is an open space. My friends, comrades and I are filling the walls with art and the room with performances. There will be an open mic after the set performances, room to dance, and a place to celebrate being alive through the good, the bad, and the ugly. All you really need to bring is yourself. Starting with just your body; we promise to give you all we got.
Putting the grr back into grassroots.
Bless & Be Blessed.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
**My goal in life is to expose...through everything I do. I work to create images that capture the beauty of the heart and the complex journey to protect 'it' and let 'it' shine. As the collection grows, 'it' turns into a river, bringing the viewer to a place where he or she can clearly see that the beauty of a heart exists in every living being.**
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
When faced with losing my eyesight, I look to heal my mind, body, and everything in-between...

These are images of the back of my retina upon being diagnosed with Multitocal Choraiditis, a rare eye disorder in which inflammation creates lesions on the back of the eye tissue - the most sensitive tissue in the body.
You can see in the images all the white areas of inflammation taking over the back of the eye.
I am working on healing both through natural and Western medicine.
I am also working with some Earth angels to create a benefit so I can make these treatments a reality.
I also want to be overall healthier than ever before so I can bring more art and action to the front lines.
Thanks to all of those involved in the rescue and healing mission. May I act as an Earth angel in your lives as well...
Working through to the grand finale.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Climbing PoeTree: Hurricane Season: The Hidden Messages in Water — The brightest most beautiful torch

Hurricane Season: The Hidden Messages in Water is imperfectly-perfect:
painful, powerful, visionary. It is one of the most compelling pieces of art I have ever seen.
There is a kind of bliss that comes from ignorance and another that comes from having seen and felt with eyes and heart wide-open...and finding the bliss within the layers.
The foundation of our survival is Mother Earth. Water makes up 70% of the Earth's surface and 70% of our bodies. That is no coincidence.
There are no coincidences here — yes, everything that is happening is happening for a reason.
Climbing PoeTree have spent years calculating the meaning, distilling the purpose, planning the mission. Crafting a siren's call through their art and relentless activism; bringing the same message over and over to thousands of people...
Alixa and Niama have harnessed the power of their combined voices and vision into a compelling road map for issues at hand. They have taken the most pressing issues in this time of golden crisis and woven them, roots with hope into the fabric of solutions. You leave armed to the teeth with tools of your own, local connections, how-to guides, and a spirit ablaze.
This passion must become our own and Hurricane Season has become a place where one is invited to ignite, add their own light, to join in. This is a place of community, tribe; it is a place where poetry meets action and philosophy meets resolution.
Let me tell you from my own firsthand experience, creating something organic from the grassroots with intention, precision and follow-through is no small feat. It takes the conjuring of miracles, the belief in a higher self and in an urgent purpose.
"We are living in a time of unnatural disasters ya'll." The words come out of both of their mouths simultaneously and it is beautifully propelling.
Their poetry is percussive, it hammers, it bellows, it builds momentum.
It breaks you open and it finds in that openness the precious seeds of life and the power of individual and community spirit.
This performance will take you deep — far beyond being entertained.
If there is one lesson I see so clearly here, it is the fruits, the gifts, the knowledge and the joy that comes from following through. Be ready to jump into the deep end of everyday, see what is happening with a sharp eye, follow through and watch something snow ball. Hurricane Season is growing and at a rapid pace.
When I look back through the catalogue of experiences I have had while traveling the world, my journeys were always based upon documentation, which in turn has grown/solidified into the mission of creating an image bank for revolutionaries. On the tour, Sallome announced that all of my images are there for free usage to those of you working in media, visual arts, and activism — just contact me, and as long as you have a mission that I feel reflects unity, progress and peace, I am happy to share all that I have.
I felt honored and privileged to document this illuminating event in our herstory. Climbing PoeTree's work has been received by sold-out crowds and enthusiasm across this land. In fact, Alixa and Niama received the Common Folk National Award for Community Activism just a few weeks ago in Washington, D.C.
They should be supported, hailed, and inhaled in our light. Support by our action. Make time in your new year to listen to their words, get the album, and see the show when you can!
As one rises, we all rise. As we reach out our hands to each other, there is only more support, more room for letting go, more space to take flight.
I learned and grew endlessly from documenting the work of these women and the amazing group of humans they have brought together to yield a vision:
Hurricane Season: The Hidden Messages in Water
With gratitude and respect.
Bless and be blessed.
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